Re-SPECTS Being.Com

Integral to the Re-SPECTS Being model are underlying principles relating to the array of human imperfection of intra-personal, interpersonal and systemic relationality through communication and interaction. The framework assumes inherent human longing for what is immortally ‘good and right’, plus the moment-to-moment influences of this upon personal-and-professional moral compass, inclusivity, learning, integrative change processes and growth.

Imperfect Being

As human beings, we are imperfect! We are faced with our human limitations from one moment to the next. Yet we hold and express expectations for something more good and more right. This truth is foundational to our propensity to be learners. It is also foundational to our capacity to show respect towards one another, accepting being ‘good enough’ and hopefully ‘learning’. Although we all fall short of being perfectly good and right, we perceive sliding scales of human limitations and goal setting, depending on what particular standards we are focussing on and influenced by from moment-to-moment.

Intra-personal and Interpersonal

As physical beings we embody who we are and how we are, generated from an embryonic experience of profound physical connection with our birth mother. We are created out of a deeply spiritual connection with life-forces of nature. We have a human capacity to feel a whole range of powerfully pleasureful and painful emotions linked to the vibrancy of life and threat against it. We have cognitive ability to be immersed in the moment, yet also be mindful or with various levels of consciousness, in the moment. We have the capacity to remember and reflect at many different levels. This enables us to relate with our self (intra-personal), with other(s) (interpersonal), with the world around and with higher being.


We are interdependent human beings. We are dependent upon our birth mother to physically carry us within her womb, yet at the same time our embryonic formation develops and takes shape way beyond the intent and control of our birth mother. We are created in a way that physically depends upon human conception, yet at the same time, it is beyond human power and conception to shape and form our human being the way each of us come to be. Spirituality is intrinsic to our physical formation, our emotions, our cognition and who we transform to be. There are phases of our development and life stages where we depend more upon others for particular needs, but throughout life each of us has needs that we depend upon others to meet and others have needs which they depend upon us to meet. Individuals and cultures develop expectations around optimal levels of dependence and independence.


Human beings live with and cope with various levels of isolation and incorporation. The concept of respecting each other as ‘good enough’, given that no-one is perfect, recognising we have a propensity to learn and grow, seeking something more ‘good and right’ is a standard in itself. It involves great expectations for people to choose to exercise respect, plus to desire for self-and-other(s) to learn and grow. Otherwise positive and negative prejudices manifest and lead to discriminations being acted out between one another.


Human beings tend to strive towards a state of peace. Ideally, this would involve integrating inner conflicts that maintain intrapersonal disharmony or self-other(s) conflict that maintain interpersonal disharmony. Realistically, our journeys of integration may be disrupted by defences that protect us from the painful experiences of learning and growth or enable us to survive and simply cope amidst the imperfect circumstances we are part of.

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